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【Fan Letter】 Dear Miette Marzipan : MIETTE!! your endless optimism always manages to light up my day. i always look forward to your streams at the end of the day. its the perfect way to end of my night. i cant wait to see your growth in vtubing. 💖💖   /   Dear Kirina : Hi Kiri! Your streams are always a ton of fun and the ASMRs are always so relaxing (when they’re not downright heart attack inducing!) I believe that the lioness is really a true hidden gem! I’m excited for what you’ll do next :D   /   Dear Miette Marzipan : Miette! You're so creative and i always have fun in your streams. I'll always be behind you going WAN WAN WAN WAN WAN   /   Dear Okonomi Aki : To my one and Oni! I love you so much Aki!!! Don’t lose your smile! I will back you up no matter what and I am so proud so call you, not just my GenMate, but as close as Sisters! I hope to hope into your chats soon!   /   Dear Lio Fushimi : My wife <3 Hello Lio!! I can't wait to meet you and the rest of bond 2.75!! I think you will slay king !! I will be there to support you and everyone when the time comes to debut!   /   Dear Reina Sinclair : CONGRATS ON YOUR DEBUT! I love your voice!   /   Dear Adria Anthelia : HII I saw your youtube video for you debut annoucement!!! CONGRATS!! I messaged you cause you model its so cute and Im kinda scared because I have a interview with Bond on sunday. Sorry if its just werid and out of the blue but when i was searching on youtuber I happend to see your video!! If I make this auditon theres a chance we could be freinds lol!! :333   /   Dear Miette Marzipan : MIETTE ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ WANWANWANWANWANWANWAN WANWANWANWANWANWAN WANWANWAN MY CHAOTIC LIL BEAN I LOVE TALKING WITH YOU ON TWITTER YOU ARE SO EVERYWHERE GIRL AND SO WOWOOWOWOWOWOW AND I LOVE JOINING YOUR STREAMS TOOO AND WANWANWANWANWANWANING‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ YOU ARE SO FUN TO TALK TO AND YOU ARE SO SILLY AND SO FUNNY AND I LOVE RIZZING YOU ALONG WITH THE REST OF BOND‼️‼️‼️ KEEP DOING WHAT YOU'RE DOING GIRL YOU ARE SO CRAZY GIRL ‼️‼️‼️‼️   /   Dear One-chi : 🦴💕 good boy!   /   Dear Kirina : You are the sweet person in the world I'm glad that I'm am a part of you're community you're stream is always fun you make me smile every day and happy I'm glad that you're one of my Oshi   /   Dear Erebus Grey : I just want to say that I'm happy that I found you and your stream are all ways fun to watch and you make me happy every time I watch you and i hope you have a biggest success ever I'm glad that you're my Oshi   /   Dear Vylia Jester : Hi vy just want to say that you your the most wonderful fun person in the world ever time I watch you . You make me happy everyday and I glad that your my Oshi and if your ever fel down just look at this letter that you make this fan happy and smile ❤️   /   Dear Adria Anthelia : Snello Adria! I hope you are having a fantastic day! I love your fintatic attitude and your calming presence. Keep doing what you're doing!   /   Dear Sleepy Lambi : LAMBI!!! I love how comfy and sweet you are and how chill your streams are! And you are so cute! Omg! I love how unique you are and even if I don't stay for your streams long, I always love being there just to unwind and to feel refreshed just getting to spend time in your stream! It's also   /   Dear Lio Fushimi : Your debut was amazing. You are so cheerful, you are fun, and your giggles are adorable. Keep it up! I believe in you.. so much!   /