【Fan Letter】 Dear Marine Tar : Such a friendly person funny an mischievous I look forward to ur debut best wishes your gonna do great / Dear Kirina : Congratulations on your debut. I enjoyed the couple of streams you did so far. I love everything about you. Im excited to see what you have in store for us down the line / Dear Lio Fushimi : Your debut was amazing. You are so cheerful, you are fun, and your giggles are adorable. Keep it up! I believe in you.. so much! / Dear Adria Anthelia : You are so amazing at streaming, and I wish you could see your own potential! You are super funny and kind and I love seeing your opinions and watching you game. You're gonna go far, just keep it up! And Remember, we will all be here for you! / Dear Miette Marzipan : HI MIETTE!! IM SUCH A BIG FAN! I love watching all ur streams and seeing ur little ear wiggles! I'll continue to support u in every stream! / Dear Saida Stein : SSSSSSAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MY FREAKY PARTNER!!! <33333 HAIIIII SAIDA I LOVE TALKING TO YOU AND I LOVE YOUR DESIGN SO MUCH AND YOUR HAIR UGGHHH IM SO INTO IT AND LIKE LIKE LIKE- I love being in your stream and getting to talk with you Saida! Someone who can match my freak and someone I can geek out with like omg! You make me smile every time we get to talk, and I always look forward to your streams, no matter how long or short. Just spending time is all I need! Keep slaying!!! / Dear Lio Fushimi : Pray your journey is safe your gonna be amazing best wishes for ur debut ,always so friendly don’t be nervous / Dear Kirina : I’m grateful to have found you. Like you wanted, you’ve become a light for some already. My first asmr oshi, and my Kami oshi now, the quality and range of your voice is a phenomenal gift you’ve honed well. Your wonderful personality creates a great place for us all to have fun while you uplift and entertain everyone. I want to keep supporting you for as much and as long as I can, as you support your friends and fans. Love you lots Kiri ❤️🔥 / Dear Hayami Kurayami : Bat Buddy!!!! Never stop grinding!! It’s gonna be a tough road but you can’t let that stop you, I believe in you and I believe in that you will thrive in the end! / Dear Lio Fushimi : Principe Lio, sé que lo harás increible, me consta que te has estado esforzando mucho para este día, estoy emocionado por seguir conociendote y verte crecer! estoy contigo n_n / Dear Sometsuke Mezzo : Most of your streams are around 3am my time lol but i did enjoy what i did see of your streams. Thank you for even reading my poem and for your kind words. I would love to hear a poem you wrote one day. Always cheering for you! / Dear Lio Fushimi : 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 congratulations prince / Dear Reina Sinclair : CONGRATS ON YOUR DEBUT! I love your voice! / Dear Anu Ochre : Your so cool and calm I love ur design and personality ur gonna be amazing best wishes for debut day / Dear Aria Blackwood : Snello wifey, I come to bring you a message of I am proud of you and you got this! /