

【Fan Letter】 Dear Mirari Yumi : Oh yuyu, my green panda you don’t know how much joy it’s been knowing you, you may not know it but your streams bring more smiles than you’d think, so don’t give up, but don’t push yourself too hard, I’ll always be here if you ever need that hand 😊   /   Dear Hayami Kurayami : HUSBANT !!!!! HIIII HAYAMI!!!!! stares.   /   Dear Adria Anthelia : HIII ADRIA my queen chat she is literally such a girlboss and so slay i love adria and support her with all my heart!!! You are so comfy and fun to talk and relax with even if i have to go into debt to maintain the Roy fire department every time your phone catches on fire and burns your house down. Keep being you and keep being literally THE queen   /   Dear Okonomi Aki : AKITAN!! i need to admit something to you...the reason I didn't show up to your streams until recently was because I WAS SO NERVOUS AND LOWKEY VERY INTIMIDATED AND NERVOUS OF U!!! IM SO SORRY!!!! I AM SO SHY I CANT HELP IT!! BUT IM GLAD I GOT TO MEET YOU AND TALK TO YOU ABOUT SILLY STUFF AND WHATNOT I WANNA GET TO KNOW U BETTER AND I WILL BE THERE FOR YOUR STREAMS!! KEEP UP THE WORK GIRL YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY KILLING IT OUT THERE!!!   /   Dear Anu Ochre : I HAVEN'T MET YOU YET ANU BUT I WOULD BE SO EXCITED TO MEET YOU AND TO GET TO KNOW YOU AND THE REST OF BOND 2.75!!!   /   Dear Sometsuke Mezzo : Most of your streams are around 3am my time lol but i did enjoy what i did see of your streams. Thank you for even reading my poem and for your kind words. I would love to hear a poem you wrote one day. Always cheering for you!   /   Dear Anu Ochre : Snello Anu! I hope your time put of the sarcophagus is going well! I love the energy you bring and I hope to continue to see you shine!   /   Dear Aria Blackwood : Ok we're to start when I first saw you live i say to myself ya I'm a fan of you I can't wait to see we're your future go to I be your fan forever   /   Dear Sometsuke Mezzo : Little beaaaaaaaan!!!, please never lose that joy I always hear in your voice, as it brings smiles to not only me but to a lot of people, you’ll always be my little bean and honorary sis, I always have fun when I’m in your streams, (just wish I could make all of them 🥲) but neither the less I’m happy to be here rooting for you   /   Dear Lio Fushimi : Principe Lio, sé que lo harás increible, me consta que te has estado esforzando mucho para este día, estoy emocionado por seguir conociendote y verte crecer! estoy contigo n_n   /   Dear Sometsuke Mezzo : I love you!!! You’re amazing and make me super happy! I’m glad I got to know you❤️. I’ll be rooting for your success forever and always!! Thank you for keeping us company so late at night!   /   Dear Kirina : Let's say the world were a single tale The miracle of meeting you Is something I am grateful for From the certified pudding connoisseur fr   /   Dear Reina Sinclair : Miss Reina!!! I'm happy that even if I have a night where I can't fall asleep for a while, I have the chance to look forward to your streams and your voice. It always helps a lot. Looking forward to seeing you grow more than you have already, you're doing crazy numbers and you deserve it all!!🤍   /   Dear Miette Marzipan : Miette! You're so creative and i always have fun in your streams. I'll always be behind you going WAN WAN WAN WAN WAN   /   Dear Kirina : I have only just joined your streams a few days ago, but every stream has been a fun relaxing one! You do great asmr and when you get your new mic, I’m sure you’ll release even greater streams! I’m glad to be part of your growing community and look forward to what the future holds for you! Here’s to a successful future for the princess lioness!!!!   /