

【Fan Letter】 Dear Saida Stein : SSSSSSAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MY FREAKY PARTNER!!! <33333 HAIIIII SAIDA I LOVE TALKING TO YOU AND I LOVE YOUR DESIGN SO MUCH AND YOUR HAIR UGGHHH IM SO INTO IT AND LIKE LIKE LIKE- I love being in your stream and getting to talk with you Saida! Someone who can match my freak and someone I can geek out with like omg! You make me smile every time we get to talk, and I always look forward to your streams, no matter how long or short. Just spending time is all I need! Keep slaying!!!   /   Dear Erebus Grey : I love watching your streams! These are the highlight of my day! It is hilarious watching you grow more unhinged!   /   Dear One-chi : Hi one-chi! Thank you for being the best Shiba Inu ever!   /   Dear Miette Marzipan : You are doing your bestest each and every day!!!! I'm so proud of you !!! WAN WAN WAN WAN WAN WAN WAN WAN!!!! Be sure to keep having fun with the Marziwans and never let anywan dim your sparkle!!! YAY YIPPEE!!!!!! yayayayayayayayayayay   /   Dear Kirina : You and your community have been one of the best I've encountered. The streams are always filled with a sweet and welcoming air, and never fail to make me laugh or relax. It has been a real rollercoaster of emotions that I'll keep riding forever. I hope the future shines as bright as you do on me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the amazing times. Proud to be a part of the lionhearts, cheering you on from the sidelines. Love you lots our dear princess.   /   Dear Aria Blackwood : Snello wifey, I come to bring you a message of I am proud of you and you got this!   /   Dear Miette Marzipan : Miette! You're so creative and i always have fun in your streams. I'll always be behind you going WAN WAN WAN WAN WAN   /   Dear Adria Anthelia : HII I saw your youtube video for you debut annoucement!!! CONGRATS!! I messaged you cause you model its so cute and Im kinda scared because I have a interview with Bond on sunday. Sorry if its just werid and out of the blue but when i was searching on youtuber I happend to see your video!! If I make this auditon theres a chance we could be freinds lol!! :333   /   Dear Stela Nova : Stela!!! I can't wait for your debut!!!!! I know I'll be tuning in for sure, and I'm sure it'll be great!! You're gonna shine like a... uh... forgot the term.. a super something? ANYWAY I WILL SEE YOU ON THE 6TH!!!   /   Dear Adria Anthelia : You are so amazing at streaming, and I wish you could see your own potential! You are super funny and kind and I love seeing your opinions and watching you game. You're gonna go far, just keep it up! And Remember, we will all be here for you!   /   Dear Sleepy Lambi : LAMBI!!! I love how comfy and sweet you are and how chill your streams are! And you are so cute! Omg! I love how unique you are and even if I don't stay for your streams long, I always love being there just to unwind and to feel refreshed just getting to spend time in your stream! It's also   /   Dear Sometsuke Mezzo : Little beaaaaaaaan!!!, please never lose that joy I always hear in your voice, as it brings smiles to not only me but to a lot of people, you’ll always be my little bean and honorary sis, I always have fun when I’m in your streams, (just wish I could make all of them 🥲) but neither the less I’m happy to be here rooting for you   /   Dear Reina Sinclair : I'm SOOOO happy to say I found you as you were about to debut and I can proudly tell people I was there from the beginning. I believe in you Reirei!   /   Dear Kirina : Kirina!! Although I haven't visited a ton, every experience in your streams has been a ROLLERCOASTER. You made some car rides of mine very enjoyable when they would've been boring beforehand. And that voice change, dear god. got me kicking my feet up in the air with that. I also LOVE seeing how much you support your wavemates, it's so heartwarming to see.   /   Dear Reina Sinclair : It’s been a pleasure my debut buddy so friendly and warm personality your gonna be awesome best wishes for your debut   /