My name is Stela hope it isn't too lonely in the star filled endless space,
Maybe you can fill that void by sticking around !
I wish for nothing then fun and laughter for everyone
Telling stories using stars/constellations, protecting earth, hanging out with spacemenAge
5'4 ft / 162.56 cmDislike
Being lonely, Astroids, and silenceBirthday
5/11送り主: Marine Tar !!
AHH !! IM SO HAPPY TO FINALLAY SEE YOU FREE !! You are sososo cutecutecute (;´д`)ゞ so precious design so far, I cannot wait to meet more of you !! The eyes are so cool, gaagahj !!
送り主: Fushi
STELA! We have both waited for this moment for so so long.. I’m so happy you’re finally free! I can’t wait for everyone to see how amazing and how kind you are. You are so amazingly talented, passionate, and you’re so funny. I love you so much, Stela! Keep being the shining star you are, you deserve everything good coming your way!! - Your friend, Lio! 💚
送り主: Shield
Stela!!! I can't wait for your debut!!!!! I know I'll be tuning in for sure, and I'm sure it'll be great!! You're gonna shine like a... uh... forgot the term.. a super something? ANYWAY I WILL SEE YOU ON THE 6TH!!!